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Do you have a heart for truly serving and being the hands and feet of Christ. That is what our missionaries do at Camp Conquest. From transferring our less mobile campers into a canoe for the first time ever, to having a dance off with a young girl with autism, to helping in the kitchen.  Missionaries make our campers experience extraordinary and find a perspective on their own lives they have never seen before. If you are ready to serve, sign up for our next session now. We have roles for ages 13 and up.

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Summer Staff


Jousting matches on the lake, late night games of tag with a camper that is too wired to go to bed, and building lifelong friendships along the way. This is not a coffee shop or an accounting internship, this is living life to the fullest and loving people with your heart on your sleeve. Join our growing community of brothers and sisters from all over the country now! 

*Must be able to commit to all weeks of camp.

Apply Staff
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Ministry Partners

Camp cannot happen without our amazing donors. From building new facilities, to providing campers with life-changing experiences. We need your help to further our mission. We graciously ask you to partner with us in our mission financially and in prayer!


3934 West Union Road

Millington, TN   38053


Phone: 901-545-2267




PO Box 1359

Millington, TN   38083

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©2023 by Camp Conquest

Icon for the Gold Seal for Transparency, awarded to non-profits who meet the standards of transparency and trust.
icon showing certification as a trust-worthy non-profit. Camp Conquest is a camp for special needs
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